CSSCI 中文社会科学引文索引(2021-2022)来源期刊
北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》来源期刊: 2008年版,2011年版,2014年版,2017年版,2020年版
期刊荣誉: Caj-cd规范获奖期刊
Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (JSUFE) is an economics-based comprehensive academic journal sponsored by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in China. The journal is published bimonthly with the first issue in 1999. JSUFE has a unique position, which focuses on a special area: the interdisciplinary social science integrating economics with humanities and other social science, such as economic philosophy, economic history, economic law, humanistic economics, economic management and economic society. JSUFE is in the first tier among all peer reviewed economics-based comprehensive journals in CSSCI (Chinese Social Science Index). It has been awarded the Second National Outstanding Social Science Journals by the Academy of Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journals, the Third National Top 100 Social Science Journals, the Best Journals of Shanghai by University Journal Research Association of Shanghai, and so on.