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更新日期:2024-11-20   来源:   浏览次数:790   在线投稿


摘 要:信息技术的飞速发展让人类步入大数据时代,在应用地球物理学中,重力异常场作为位场数据可经挖掘得到相关的地质认识。本文以规则形体重力异常场为正演模型,基于MATLAB平台运用位场的梯度算法、解析延拓算法、边界提取算法进行模型试算,总结了这三种位场数据处理算法的特点。梯度算法能识别和分离不同场源的异常、解析延拓算法能够压制和突出深部或浅部场源信息、边界提取算法能以阶跃或梯度带的形式反映场源体边界。最后运用位场数据处理算法结合数据挖掘的视角对塔里木盆地的布格重力异常进行处理及解释,得到研究区域主要断裂系统的分布为平行于盆地,走向为NE, NW, NEE。
关 键 词:数据挖掘;重力异常;位场数据处理算法
中图分类号: 文献标识码:

Data mining experiment and application based on potential field data processing algorithms

WEI Hua-jing1a,1b,YIN Hong-wei1a,1b*,JIANG Su-hua2a,2b,WANG Gang2a,2b,ZHAO Fei-yu2a,2b
(1a. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China,
1b. Institute of Energy Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China;
2a. College of Marine Geoscience, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100,
2b. Key Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences and Prospecting Techniques, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100)

Abstract: With the rapid development of Information Technology, the human race stepped into Big Data era. In the field of applied geophysics, gravity anomaly field is potential field, from which geological conclusions are able to be concluded. Taking the gravity anomalies of regular shape bodies as conversion model, this summarized the features three potential field data processing algorithms and operates model calculation using gradient algorithms, analytical continuation algorithms, boundary extraction algorithms basing MATLAB. The gradient algorithms are able to recognize and separate the anomalies coming from different sources. The analytical continuation algorithms contribute to suppress and highlight the information of deep or shallow sources. The boundary extraction algorithms are skilled at reflect the borders of sources in the form of gradient zone and phase step. Finally the methods are applied to the processing and interpretation of the actual Bouger gravity anomalies data in Tarim Basin from the perspective of Data mining. It was concluded that the major fracture systems that orientate NE, NW and NEE are parallel to the borders of the basin.
Key words: Data mining; gravity anomalies; potential field data processing algorithms
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位场是一种场的大小与位置有关的场,重力场是位场的一种,通过对位场的变换和处理可以挖掘出场源相关的信息。然而位场数据直接反映场源的能力较差,需要对位场数据进行适当的变换。国内外学者对位场数据的处理方法有一定的研究,Cooper等提出的THDR, Theta Map, HTA等算法[2]提高了边界增强后图像识别的效果;张超等提出的Sigmoid算法[3]实现异常值网格数据的拉升和灰度级像素的压低,凸显了地质体的边界;张冲等提出向下延拓三阶Adams-Bashforth公式法[4]相比起传统的延拓方法更稳定,不容易产生边界效应,使延拓结果更准确。

上一篇: 基于位场数据处理算法的数据挖掘试验与应用

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