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更新日期:2024-11-28   来源:   浏览次数:1563   在线投稿


摘要:宽叶酢浆草(Oxalis latifolia)是中国检疫性杂草,以鳞茎繁殖和传播扩散,2008年发现分布于昆明的景观绿地以及园林地带,2012年发现保山地区也有分布。今年7月笔者在昆明寻甸发现了宽叶酢浆草在大豆地的分布和危害,实地调查发现了宽叶酢浆草地上部分密度达122.3株/m2,地下鳞茎195个/m2,严重影响当季作物的生长。在及时采取防除、监控措施的同时应加强开展田间防控技术措施的研究和应用。
Quarantine Weed Oxalis latifolia in Soybean Field of Kunming
Guo Yiiqng1* Ma Bo1 Shen Kaiyuan1 luo Siwen1 Shao Hua2*
( 1 College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, 2 Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011)
Abstact: Oxalis latifolia was listed as one of the quarantine weed in China, which is multiplied and spread by underground bulb. Oxalis latifolia was reported distributing in landscape-green-belt system and garden area in Kunming city during 2008, and then found in Baoshan city in 2012. This time we found that the weed distributed in soybean field of Xundian county of Kunming in July 2017. An investigation was conducted by the method of visual grading to determine the weed infestation in the field. The result showed that the weed density was around 122.3 plants/m2, and the bulb was around 195.8/m2 which will result in a seriously influence to crop growth. Meanwhile, control measurement and fixed point monitoring was applied to control and prevent the weed spread.
Key words: Oxalis latifolia, soybean, weed infestation, Kunming
宽叶酢浆草(Oxalis latifolia Kunth.)为酢浆草科 (Oxalidaceae) 酢浆草属 (Oxalis) 多年生草本植物,原产中南美洲[1]。宽叶酢浆草以种子及地下鳞茎繁殖,其鳞茎母球产生大量子球,随土壤、水流、苗木转运而繁殖和传播扩散[2]。印度、新西兰、南非、乌干达等国家作为危害性杂草[3-5],2007年列入中国检疫性杂草名录[6]。
笔者首次发现该草是1996年初夏的昆明植物园百草园,在酢浆草花坛中有几株叶色较深、叶缘呈尖角的植株,但植株外观与酢浆草极为相似。2008年中国检科院专家在云南就检疫性杂草宽叶酢浆草的分布进行调查时明确该种植物为检疫性杂草宽叶酢浆草。目前宽叶酢浆草在中国的分布仅限于云南省,在昆明、保山等约14个县(市、区)的54 个乡镇 、93个村均有分布,以公园绿地、道路绿化带、园林地以及苗木种植地发生较为普遍[7],农田中的发生分布鲜有报道。笔者在进行旱地农田杂草发生危害调查时在昆明市寻甸县一块公路边的大豆地(东经103°15′21″、北纬25°31′11″约2亩面积)发现了宽叶酢浆草的分布与危害,见图1,进而对田间杂草群落及宽叶酢浆草生物量进行了调查。

上一篇: 检疫性杂草宽叶酢浆草大豆地发生危害

下一篇: 检疫性杂草宽叶酢浆草大豆地发生危害



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