She wore a green silk gown, and over it a pale red jacket, a skirt of yellow brocade, below which showed thick-soled shoes. Her fashionable coiffure was veiled in black, which suited her greying locks, coiled like a dragon; palace-style ivory combs shone with red and green, and two golden pins adorned her hair. Her half-grey tresses soared like a phoenix in flight, two rows of powder and paint, her beauty was natural. She was as attractive as a younger girl.
这一小节主要描述的是黎山老母的衣着,译文用 “silk”, “jacket”, “brocade” 等词描写了一个衣着华丽的夫人形象,以此暗示出其家境殷实,以钱财来试探师徒四人的佛心,而猪八戒最后动了贪念,被四位菩萨好好地教训了一顿。而同时原文“脂粉不施犹自美,风流还似少年才”和译文“her beauty was natural. She was as attractive as a younger girl” 对应,刻画了一个虽然年纪大,但是风韵犹存的妇人形象。
The splendid evil spirit stopped its negative wind in a hollow and changed itself into a girl with a face as round as the moon and as pretty as a flower. Her brow was clear and her eyes beautiful; her teeth were white and her lips red. In her left hand she held a blue earthenware pot and in her right a green porcelain jar. ……the green sleeves over her jade fingers lightly billowed; Golden lotus feet peeped under her trailing skirt. The beads of sweat on her powdered face were dew on a flower, her dusty brow was a willow in a mist.
译文用明喻将原文中的“月貌花容”用“as round as the moon and as pretty as a flower”表现出来,生动形象地刻画了一个如花似月的小姑娘形象,之后又用“white teeth, red lips”,在近距离的视觉下,对女孩的牙齿和嘴唇进行描写,在读者脑海中描摹了一个唇红齿白、如花似月的女孩形象,最后又将她的头上的汗珠比作花上的露水,把她的眉毛比作是薄雾中的垂柳。从视觉上看,花上的露水是近距离的观察,暮霭中的垂柳是远距离的透视,既有形象美,又有朦胧美。从外貌上,表现出女性妖魔的张力美。