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更新日期:2023-08-28   来源:神经药理学报   浏览次数:425   在线投稿


诱发支气管哮喘动物模型方法及评价 张丹参;张楠;1-8综述
治疗失眠症中药用药规律分析 樊帅珂;方晓艳;苗明三;9-142019泰山学术论坛:第三届国际神经精神科学学术峰会(续)_壁报及其它摘要
Thioredoxin-1 and Geranylgeranylacetone Resist Neurotoxicity of Amyloid-β BAI Li-ping;LI Ye;ZHOU Xiao-shuang;ZHANG Xian-wen;SUN Bo;YAN Chen;DENG Ru-hua;BAI Jie;15-16
Isolation and Purification of Pruritic Compounds from Yam(Dioscoreae Rhizoma) SUN Yu-ling;YANG Yan;QIAN Lin-nan;GUAN Dong-lang;JIAN Tun-yu;TANG Zong-xiang;16
Effect of Paeoniflorin on Chronic Depression Model Mice based on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress DOU Wen-xiao;XU Rong-rong;MU Cheng-sen;ZHANG Xin-yue;GUO Ting-ting;LI Na;WANG Yan;XU Xiao-yan;17-18
β-arrestin 2 Negatively Regulates NOD2 Signaling Pathway through Association with TRAF6 in Microglia after Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury CHEN Lin;KONG Ling-jun;WEI Xin-bing;WANG Yi-meng;WANG Bing;ZHANG Xiu-mei;SUN Jin-peng;LIU Hui-qing;17
Seselin Targeted Jak2 to Ameliorate Inflammation FENG Li-li;WU Xu-dong;XU Qiang;HAN Feng;18-19
Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Hippocampus in Suicide Ideal Patients with Major Depressive Disorder HE Can-can;GONG Liang;XIE Chun-ming;ZHANG Zhi-jun;19-20
新型化合物YY-21快速抗抑郁机制研究 郭飞;张兵;李扬;19
Identification of MiR-9 Mediating the Effects of Maltreat in Childhood on Depression Using Brain Connectivity HE Can-can;ZAN Wang;QING Wang;XIE Chun-ming;ZHANG Zhi-jun;21-22
Learning and Memory Impairment and Abnormal Blood-Brain Barrier Function in Rats Induced by Increased Blood Pressure Variability JIA Xiao-li;WANG Wei;ZHOU Yan-meng;TAN Rui;ZHANG Fang-fang;ZHOU Li-jun;MIAO Shen;JI Wei;ZHU De-rong;ZHAO Xiao-min;ZHANG Han-ting;22-23
Reinforcing Effects and Discriminative Stimulus Effects of Three Pyrrolidine-Containing Synthetic Cathinones Derivatives in Rats LAI Miao-jun;FU Dan;XU Wen-jin;LIU Hui-fen;XU Peng;ZHOU Wen-hua;23
SB-334867 Improves Anxiety-Like Behavior in Social Defeat Mouse by Regulating HPA Axis ZHANG Yun-peng;CHEN Long;CHEN Dan-mei;WANG Cui-ting;WANG Xiao-kun;LI Bing;24-25
Dendrobium nobile Lindl alkaloids Produces Neuroprotection against 6-OHDA-Induced Dopamine Neurotoxicity LI Dai-di;WANG Guo-qing;SHI Jing-shan;ZHANG Feng;25-26
蜂胶对酒精暴露小鼠认知功能损伤的改善效果研究 李学龙;梁惠;姜雨杉;刘颖;26
NOD2 Promotes Dopaminergic Degeneration Regulated by NADPH Oxidase 2 in 6-Hydroxydopamine Model of Parkinson's Disease CHENG Li;CHEN Lin;WEI Xin-bing;WANG Yi-meng;REN Zhi-ping;ZENG Sheng-lan;ZHANG Xiu-mei;WEN Hai-tao;GAO Cheng-jiang;LIU Hui-qing;27
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Strength within Different Frequency-Band in Schizophrenia LUO Yu-ling;HE Hui;DUAN Ming-jun;YAO De-zhong;LUO Cheng;28-29
The Study of the Effect and Mechanism of Danggui Buxue Tang on Angiogenesis in Mice with Acute Cerebral Ischemia MO You-sheng;WEN Hui-hong;XU Er-jin;HUANG Shui-qing;WANG Qi;30-31
Increased Blood Pressure Variability Induces Depression-Like Behavior and Gap Junction Protein Changes in Rats MIAO Shen;ZHOU Li-jun;WANG Wei;JIA Xiao-li;TAN Rui;ZHANG Fang-fang;GAO Shan;JI Wei;ZHU De-rong;ZHAO Xiao-min;ZHANG Han-ting;30
Transmembrane AMPA Receptor Regulatory Protein γ-8 is Associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder PENG Shi-xiao;WANG Yue-ying;LIU Na;Yun Stone Shi;31-32
莫诺苷调节体外神经干细胞增殖分化的作用机制研究 孙芳玲;王文;刘婷婷;吴铮;郭敏;32
Inhibitory Effect of Xiaofeng Powder on Pruritus in AEW Mice and Its Mechanism SUN Meng-han;YUAN Xiao-lin;TANG Zong-xiang;33
Role of Acute Phase Protein ORM in A Mice Model of Ischemic Stroke WAN Jing-jing;WANG Peng-yuan;ZHANG Yu;HU Bo-han;SUN Yang;XU Dong-ping;LIU Xia;34-35
PLTP过表达对3×Tg-AD小鼠学习记忆的影响及机制研究 李明伟;付华容;夏增辉;王文芝;陈莹;王浩;张继国;35
Discovery of A Subtype-Selective Inhibitor Targeting TRPV2 Ion Channel LI Tian-yu;CHAI Hao;LI Yang;36
CXCR2 Antagonist Efficiently Promotes Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Differentiation and Enhances Remyelination in A Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis WANG Lu;YANG Han-yu;ZANG Cai-xia;DONG Yi;SHANG Jun-mei;CHEN Jia-jing;WANG Yue;LIU Hui;ZHANG Zi-hong;XU Heng;BAO Xiu-qi;ZHANG Dan;36-37
Cortical Atrophy Mediating the Accumulating Effects of Vascular Risk Factors on Cognition in Alzheimer's Disease Spectrum WANG Qing;HE Can-can;ZHANG Zhi-jun;XIE Chun-ming;37-38
The Role of NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation in Learning and Memory Impairment Induced by Increased Blood Pressure Variability in Rats WANG Wei;JIA Xiao-li;ZHANG Fang-fang;TAN Rui;ZHOU Yan-meng;ZHOU Li-jun;MIAO Shen;JI Wei;ZHU De-rong;HOU Xue-qin;WANG Hao;ZHAO Xiao-min;ZHANG Han-ting;38-39
Functional Connection between Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Orbital Frontal Cortex in Risk-Based Decision Making in Rats WANG Yu-chen;YANG Sha-sha;XU Rui;HUANG Wen-qiang;HONG Dan-dan;GAO Wen-jun;ZHOU Ning;YU Ping;39-40
The Neuroprotective Effects of Osthol Nanoemulsions against Glutamate-Induced Damage in SY5Y Cells XIAN Xin;WANG Mu-fang;LI Jie;HOU Zhe;GUO Le-zong;HOU Xue-qin;40-41
罗氟司特对CUMS小鼠抑郁行为的影响 夏增辉;张毅伟;陈莹;王文芝;王浩;王德才;张汉霆;40
FCPR03,A Novel Phosphodiesterase 4 Inhibitor,Alleviates Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury through Activation of the AKT/GSK3β/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway XU Bing-tian;WANG Tian-tian;QIN Yun-yun;CAI Ning-bo;ZHOU Zhong-zhen;WANG Hai-tao;XU Jiang-ping;42-43
硫酸软骨素纳米硒对D-gal和AlCl3诱导的AD小鼠学习记忆障碍的改善作用 姬东生;刘平;肖玉良;42
Inhibition of Src Kinase Attenuates Neuroinflammation and Protects Dopaminergic Neurons in Parkinson's Disease Models YANG Han-yu;WANG Lu;ZANG Cai-xia;WANG Yue;SHANG Jun-mei;BAO Xiu-qi;WANG Xiao-liang;ZHANG Dan;43-44
Attenuation of Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Specific Activation of Kv7/KCNQ/M-Channels YANG Pan;LIU Ya-ni;WANG Ke-wei;44-45
Study on the Activity of Melatonin Flexible Liposomes against Skin Photoaging in Animal Model YU Wan-qing;LIU Hong-bo;ZHOU Ming-hong;HU Hai-ping;ZHANG Yang;HOU Xue-qin;46-47
The α4β2 nAChRs Contribute to Regulating the Emotion in CUMS Mice by Balancing Neurotransmitters YU Zi-ru;LIANG Yu;SONG Jun-ke;SHEN Yan-jia;ZHAO Xiao-yue;DU Guan-hua;47-48
Effects of the rs1799986 Polymorphism of the LRP1 Gene on the Default Mode Network among Individuals in Preclinical and Prodromal Stage of Alzheimer's Disease ZANG Fei-fei;ZHU Yao;ZHANG Qian-qian;TAN Chang;XIE Chun-ming;Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative;48
Sirt6 Regulates Circadian Rhythm through Directly Interacting with the Clock Components ZHANG Feng;GUO Bao-qiang;ZHANG Ji-guo;MENG Qing-jun;49
盐酸羟哌吡酮(YL-0919)抗精神-认知损伤的效应及可能机制研究 张黎明;李云峰;50-51
Phytochemical and Pharmacological Characterization of Lily-Rehmannia Decoction,A Classic Chinese Herbal Formula,for Menopausal Syndrome in Ovariectomized Mice:A Novel Brain-Uterus Mechanism Distinct from Estrogen Therapy ZHANG Zhang-jin;51
Inhibition of PDE4 by FCPR16 Induces AMPK-Dependent Autophagy and Confers Neuroprotection in SH-SY5Y Cells and Neurons Exposed to MPP~+-Induced Oxidative Insult ZHONG Jia-hong;XIE Jin-feng;XIAO-Jiao;ZHOU Zhong-zhen;WANG Hai-tao;XU Jiang-ping;52-54
藁本内酯通过调节脑微血管内皮细胞GLUT1改善APP/PS1小鼠Aβ转运 章时杰;许婷婷;王奇;52
Comparison of PDE4 Expression in Different Brain Regions of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J Mice and the Association with Ethanol Drinking Behavior DU Xian;WANG Dong;ZHANG Fang-fang;ZHOU Yan-meng;WANG Hao;FU Hua-rong;ZHANG Han-ting;54-55
Research for Early Recognition of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Hippocampal Subfield Volume and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow TAN Chang;XIE Chun-ming;ZHANG Zhi-jun;55-56
The Effect of PDE4B1 Overexpression on Ethanol Drinking Behavior in C57BL/6J Mice XU Bing-bing;ZHOU Yan-meng;ZHANG Han-ting;56
The Pharmacological Effect and Mechanism Study of Cynomorium Songaricum on Alzheimer's Disease Based on Mitochondrial Dynamic Balance CHENG Dan;LI Ling-Ling;LI Xin-Jie;SU Lei;LU Yi;57-58
Antidepressant-Like Effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 in Chronic Restraint Stressed Rats JIANG Ning;LV Jing-wei;HUANG Hong;LU Cong;WANG Qiong;YANG Yu-jie;WANG Hai-xia;LIU Xin-min;58-59
Mdivi-1,A Mitochondrial Fission Inhibitor,Modulates T Helper Cells and Suppresses the Development of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis LI Yan-hua;XU Fang;Rodolfo Thome;GUO Min-fang;SUN Man-luan;SONG Guo-bin;LI Rui-lan;CHAI Zhi;Bogoljub Ciric;A.M.Rostami;MA Cun-gen;ZHANG Guang-xian;59
卵巢摘除对小鼠学习记忆及海马相关蛋白的动态影响 陶雪;张梦荻;王丽莎;周云丰;王智;刘新民;常琪;59-60
质谱成像技术在神经系统疾病药物研发中的应用 刘佳琦;杨琪;王沛;应明耀;张建民;60-61
Cerebellar Neuron Derived Exosomes Improve Pathological Phenotype of Alzheimer's Disease YIN Yue-miao;HU Kai-qiang;GAO Yu-qi;HUA rui;WANG zhao;61-62
嗅球切除大鼠尿液代谢物的改变和氟西汀的调节作用 周云丰;冯利;陶雪;王丽莎;张梦荻;王智;刘新民;常琪;61
人参皂苷Rg1改善皮质酮致星形胶质细胞缝隙连接损伤的机制研究 夏聪媛;王真真;陈乃宏;62-63
Radix Rehmanniae Preventing Aging in Caenorhabditis Elegans through Insulin Signalling Pathway via DAF-16 for Neurodegenerative Diseases ZHAO Jia-hui;ZHANG Xun-le;HUANG Jia-qing;WEN Wu;WANG Shan-shan;Christopher Fang-Yen;GONG Yue-song;63-64
Correlation Analysis between Taurine Content of Brain Tissue Determined by Amino Acid Analyzer and the Age of Growth in Mice WU Chun-yang;ZHANG Jian-mei;LI Zhao-zhen;LI Wei;ZHANG Dan-shen;ZHANG Li;64

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