《果树学报》(原《果树科学》)是农业农村部主管,中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所主办的国家级果树专业学术期刊,中文园艺学核心期刊,中国科技核心期刊。ISSN 1009-9980,CN 41-1308/S。1984年创刊,为季刊,2001-2015年为双月刊,2016年起为单月刊。现每期128页,每月10日出版,每期定价RMB 20.00元,全年12期共RMB 240.00元,国外代号:BM1107,国内邮发代号:36-93。刊物主编由中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所方金豹研究员担任,副主编由中国农业大学韩振海教授等担任,顾问由中国工程院束怀瑞院士等担任。

Journal of Fruit science”
“Journal of Fruit Science” is a Journal sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, edited and published by the Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science. It is a Journal of national level, a professional scientific journal, a core Journal of Horticultural Science and a core Journal of Chinese Science & Technology with the code of ISSN 1009-9980 and CN-41-1308/S. It was published since 1984. At present it is published bimonthly. The Editor-in-chief is professor Fang Jin-bao, the former Director of Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, CAAS; the Vice-Editor-in-chief is Dr Han Zhen-hai, the professor of China Agricultural University. Dr Shu Huai-rui, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of Horticultural Science, Shandong Agricultural University is the Head of the Scientific Advisory Board. In China the Journal’s code is 36-93, published on 10th each odd month. In abroad its code is BM1107, yearly price US$ 120 (including air postage).
The “Journal of Fruit Science” disseminates the new results of current researches on improvement of fruit growing technology, promoting the high quality production of fruits, and newly released selections and cultivars. The focus of the Journal is also on new technologies and innovative approaches applicable to fruit production and fruit breeding. It covers a wide range of topics of interest to researches, extension staff and growers, including research reports, features and reviews, experiment notes, techniques and methods, new cultivars, germplasm and resources exploration, diseases and pests protection, storage technology, specialist’s point of view, book comment, conference news etc. The Journal is highly respected by the fruit industries, scientists, technicians, horticulturists, teachers and students of college and university and fruit growers nationwide. If you want to know what happening in the fruit researches and what achievements obtained in China the “Journal of Fruit science” provides all what you need.
The “Journal of Fruit Science” is published with the international model of A4 vision. Each issue has the contents in English, summaries and key words. All the references used by the articles in Chinese are translated in English.
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