An automatic test system for PZT piezoelectric ceramics
Li Shuiping Wang Zhichao Deng Ji
(School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan University of Techology, Wuhan 430070, China)
Abstract:PZT (lead zirconate titanate) piezoelectric ceramics is a new type of material, which has been applied in many fields. However, the application of PZT piezoelectric ceramics is limited by its performance. Therefore, it is necessary to study its performance to improve its application range. The traditional equipment for testing the performance of PZT piezoelectric ceramics has various shortcomings. Therefore, this paper starts from the admittance circle and studies the testing principle of the automatic test system. According to the test principle, an automatic test system was established, and the implementation of the key parts was described in detail. The experimental platform of the automatic test system was built. The experimental results show that the designed system can test the PZT piezoelectric ceramics with certain accuracy.
Keywords:PZT;Admittance circle method;Testing system;Parameter estimation
目前针对PZT压电陶瓷的测试方法主要有两种:传输线法和导纳圆法。传统的PZT压电陶瓷的测试系统主要是采用传输线法[4],利用信号发生器、频率计等组成测试系统进行测试,但这种测试系统不仅需要手工调节测试信号,而且数据保存和处理等难以自动实现,自动化程度较低,测试时间较长,与其他系统兼容性也较差[5]。而目前采用导纳圆法[6][7] [8]的测试系统,一般使用如安捷伦4294阻抗测量仪等通用阻抗分析仪构建,测量范围广,精度高,但是整套系统体积大,而且价格昂贵。针对上述不足,本文设计了一套基于导纳圆法的自动测试系统,并通过实验进行了验证。该系统可以对PZT压电陶瓷基本特性参数自动测量,同时可以作为嵌入式设备,嵌入不同的压电陶瓷设备中,例如超声电机、压电风能收集等。
作者:黎水平 王志超 邓基
日期:2018-10-15 11:31 点击:1192