摘要:为了深度开发利用鲬鱼蛋白,以还原力和羟自由基清除率为指标,从Alcalse、菠萝蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶中,筛选出Alcalse为其水解酶。采用单因素试验及响应面分析法对Alcalse的水解条件进行优化,得到最佳酶解条件为:加酶量3000U/g蛋白、pH 9.0、温度40℃、时间180min、固液比1∶30,清除率为89.49%。酶解物清除羟自由基的IC50值为0.58mg/mL,表明鲬鱼酶解物具有良好的抗氧化作用的天然抗氧化剂。
Studies on Antioxidant Activity of Hydrolysates Derived from Protein of PlatycepHalus indicus
DAI Yao1, WU Sheng-jun1,2,3, SU Liu-qian1, WANG Xiang-peng4 , XU Ya-jun1, YU Meng-yuan1, PAN Sai-kun1,2,3,*,
(1.College of Marine Life and Fisheries, Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang222005,Jiangsu,China; 2.Jiangsu Marine Resources Development Research Institute, Lianyungang222005,Jiangsu, China; 3.Co-Innovation Center of Jiangsu Marine Bio-industry Technology, Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang 222005, Jiangsu, China;4. Jiangsu horizon Fishing Village Food Co., Ltd.Lianyungang 222100, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to optimize enzymatic hydrolysis parameters to product peptides with reducing power and scavenging activity on hydroxyl free radical of Fenton system from protein of PlatycepHalus indicus. First, Alcalase which hydrolysates showed higher scavenging activity than other four tested enzymes such as bromelain, trypsin, pepsin and papain, was choosed as the optimal enzyme for further study.Furthermore, the optimal hydrolysis parameters of Alcalase were determined by single factor experiment and response surface methodology. The results showed that the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis was enzyme substrate ratio of 3000U/gpro., pH 9.0, temperature 40℃, duration time 180min, Solid and liquid ratio was 1∶30. Under these conditions, the scavenging activity on hydroxyl free radical was 89.49%. The IC50 value of scavenging activity on hydroxyl radical was 0.58mg/mL. So, the hydrolysates from protein of Platycephalus indicus has a good antioxidant activity, which can be used as natural antioxidants for further development and utilization.
Keywords:Platycephalus indicus; Antioxidant activity; Enzymatichydrolysis; Responsesurface methodology
鲬鱼(Platycephalus indicus),又名狗腿鱼、秘书鱼等,属于硬骨鱼纲,鲬科。分布于太平洋西部和印度洋,我国黄海与渤海产量较大,是我国重要的经济鱼类。然而国内外学者对鲬鱼的研究较少,大多集中在生物学方面[3],对鲬鱼中的各种活性物质进行研究尚未见报道。而鱼类中蛋白质含量丰富,是肽的主要来源,渐渐受到重视,李吉绪等[4]通过检测鲢鱼肽对DPPH自由基的清除作用、对羟自由基的清除作用和抑制脂质过氧化作用的能力来研究其体外抗氧化活性,结果表明:经过酶解制得的鲢鱼肽具有一定的抗氧化活性。厉望[5]以带鱼为原料,优化带鱼蛋白的酶解条件,评价了酶解物的抗氧化特性,并采用多种分离技术方法对抗氧化肽进行分离纯化,得到抗氧化性最高的组分④对自由基清除率比分离前提高了27%,表明分离纯化能明显提高带鱼抗氧化肽的抗氧化能力。因此,采用酶定向适度水解技术水鲬鱼制备活性肽是其深加工和高值化利用的重要发展方向。
1 材料与方法
1.1 原料与试剂
鲜活鲬鱼:购于连云港水产批发市场;D-脱氧核糖、2-硫代巴比妥酸为生化试剂,购于BIO BASIC INC(Canada);谷胱甘肽为色谱级购于北京欣经科生物技术有限公司;Alcalase等为食品级;其他试剂均为分析纯。
1.2 主要仪器设备
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