日期:2019-04-10 12:58  点击:571
(1、湖南省农林工业勘察设计研究总院,湖南 长沙 410007;2、湖南大学土木工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082)
[摘 要]:本文运用有限元软件计算了LWD荷载下1210组双层体系弯沉盆数据,建立了用于模量反演的弯沉盆数据库。利用MATLAB神经网络工具箱构建了稳定可靠的双层体系结构层模量反演模型,并利用实际测试数据对BP模量反算模型进行了校验。结果表明,BP神经网络较已有方法反演精度更高,可为LWD准确地评价双层体系提供参考。
[中图分类号]:U416.2 文献标识码:A
Modulus Back-calculation of Two-layer System via BP Neural Network
Based on LWD Testing
ZHANG Hu1,YAN Ke-zhen2,ZHU Xiang-ping1
(1、Hunan prospecting designing &research general institute for agriculture Forestry &Industry
2、College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China)
[Abstract]: Modulous back-calculation base on LWD in situ deflections has been an critical technology to evaluate the structural performance of subgrade.In this paper, The finite element method was adopted to calculate a total of 1210 sets of bending basin data of two-layer system subjected to LWD load. The back-calculation database was established. Based on MATLAB BP neural network, the stable and reliable inversion models of the two-layer system layers’ modulus were built. The simulation results of in situ bending basin data indicates that the established inverse models for back calculating the modulus of top and underlying layer are of high accuracy. Using the estimation modulus to calculate deflections, BP neural network is more accurate compared to Odemark’s method of equivalent thickness (MET) and suites for dealing with large scale and real time data, also provides references for promoting LWD applying to two-layer system and assess structural strength properties.
[Key words]: subgrade; modulus back-calculation; BP neural network; two-layer system; LWD

轻型落锤弯沉仪(Lightweight Deflectometer, LWD)作为路基施工质量控制与保证的无损检测设备在道路与铁道工程领域得到了广泛的应用[1-2]。传统的LWD利用荷载中心弯沉值评价路基压实质量及其强度[3]。实际上,该方法所测模量为LWD影响深度范围内结构层的复合模量,而非待测层的真实模量[4],这极大的影响了LWD测试结果的准确性。另外,为了进一步拓宽LWD应用于评价基层和路面双层体系,研究双层体系的模量反算非常重要。
1 BP神经网络模型
BP(Back Propagation, BP)神经网络即误差反向传播神经网络,也是典型的多层前向神经网络,由输入层、隐含层和输出层组成,相同层间不会出现相互连接,不同层间则是全互联形式,其学习训练流程如图1所示。对于双层体系模量预测模型,单隐含层足以达到期望预测,本文拟采用单隐含层即三层BP神经网络结构
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