日期:2023-08-16 11:16  点击:944
《净水技术》杂志(CN31-1513/TQ,ISSN 1009-0177,邮发代号: 4-652)由上海市科协主管,上海市净水技术学会、上海城市水资源开发利用国家工程中心有限公司联合主办,上海市政工程设计研究总院和同济大学环境科学与工程学院协办,是上海市唯一向国内外公开发行的的水处理专业刊物。
《净水技术》杂志是中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊,RCCSE中文学术核心期刊,华东地区优秀期刊。被中国学术期刊(遴选)数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、中国学术期刊(光盘版)、美国《化学文摘》、美国《剑桥科学文摘》、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》等国内外多家数据库收录。在净水技术方面是具有权威性的期刊,发行遍及全国 31 省市自治区。发行量大,年发行量逾万册,年阅读人数更是上百万人。
《净水技术》杂志为双月刊,每双月 25 日出版,大 16 开本,每期定价: 12 元,全年: 72 元,可向全国各地邮政局订阅,邮发代号: 4-652 ,亦可向杂志社直接订阅。
Intro of Water Purification Technology
Water Purification Technology is in charge of Shanghai Association for Science & Technology ,is sponsored by Shanghai Water Purification Technology society and Shanghai Municipal Urban-Rural Development & Transportation Commission Science & Technology Committee. Water Purification Technology, which publishes both in home and abroad, is one and only trade press in the area of water treatment in Shanghai.
Water Purification Technology, which is authoritative in the area of water treatment, is CSTPCD, China Scientific &Technical Core Periodical, Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database source journals, 4th Eastern China excellent periodicals. Water Purification Technology is included in CAJ datebase, CJFD, CAJ(EiCompendex), US CA, US CSA, Russia AJ and so on. Water Purification publishes to 31 provinces in China with an annual circulation of nearly 60,000 copies and with a readership above 1 million.
Water Purification Technology has spreaded lots of information about water supply, drinking water, industrial water, recirculated cooling water, waste water treatment, Ion Exchange and functional coating, wastewater reuse, water monitoring, water treatment equipment, pipes since it started publication in 1982. Water Purification Technology involves in municipal, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, metallurgy, medical, food, electronic industry, power plant, papermaking, dyeing and printing, textile, petroleum and so on. Readers consists of research institutions, institutions for higher learning, designing institute, water treatment engineering company, wastewater treatment company, chemical engineering plant, instrument and equipment plant, environmental engineering company, water purifying plant company.
Water Purification Technology has several columns: popular science forum, summaries and theses on special topics, water treatment, wastewater treatment and reuse, equipment and material, exchanges of experiences, water analysis and monitoring, information.
Water Purification Technology is bimonthly, published on 25 every double month. It uses paper of sixteenmo, pricing 12 yuan for every double month, pricing 72 yuan for every year. Readers can not only subscribe in Post Bureaus nationwide, which mail sends code name: 4-652, but also subscribe through the publishing house.
公司:净水技术 [未注册]
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