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  :目的: 通过对流动人口生殖健康现状进行分析,了解和探讨其中存在的因素及服务需求,为提高流动人口生殖健康水平提供决策依据。方法: 采取多阶随机抽样的方法,对台州市5个县、市、区共计2091名浙江省外来人口进行调查。结果:流动人口的文化程度普遍较低;从事职业基本以工人为主;他们对生殖健康知识方面的了解率很低,自我保健意识普遍较差,尤其是男性,对计划生育/生殖健康服务的需求明显不及女性;流动人口生殖保健的可得性较差。结论:加大对该人群开展生殖健康宣传教育的力度,转变服务取向,维护她们的生殖健康权益,实现流动人口与常驻人口、男性育龄人群与女性育龄人群享有生殖健康优质服务的一致性,促进我国人口素质整体、和谐发展。

关键词流动人口   生殖健康   需求   调查

Survey on the Status and Requirement of the Reproductive Health of Tai zhou Floating Population 

Abstract Objective  Through investigating and analysing the floating population reproductive health status , study on the factors and requirements of services, to provide basis for decision-making of improve reproductive health of the floating population. Methods  on multi-stage random sampling method, at five counties(cities or districts )of floating population in Taizhou City, investigated 2,027 people from outside Zhejiang Province. Results  floating population generally were lower education level; their job mainly were Workers, their knowledge of reproductive health were very low , and self- health awareness generally were poor; especially men, their demand of reproductive health services significantly were less than women; Availability of floating population in the reproductive health were lack. Conclusion  increasing publicity and education efforts of reproductive health in the population, changing service orientation, and safeguarding their rights and interests of the floating population ; achieving consistency of permanent and floating population, male and female enjoying of reproductive health services, promote the overall harmonious development of the quality of China's population .

Keyword】:Floating population;  Reproductive health   Requirement   Survey 

当前外省、市在台州市的流动人口总数达200多万。作为一个特定人群,外省、市来的流动人口大部分是农村的剩余劳动力;在流入到新居住地(基本上是乡镇)后依然不同程度地处于整个社会经济生活中的弱势地位,其生活质量面临着比当地常住人口更多、更复杂的问题,尤其在性与生殖健康方面,成为感染和传播性病、艾滋病的主要人群。据报道,艾滋病病毒感染者中流动人口占70.91% [1]未婚先孕、婚外孕以及非意愿妊娠流产等现象有日趋增多之势;这些现实情况不仅影响该人群的正常健康权益,同时也影响到我国人口的整体健康水平的发展,因此它已经受到了社会各界的广泛关注









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