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 目的  探讨人工流产术前应用米索前列醇扩张宫颈的给药途经。 方法  200例早孕育龄妇女自愿要求行人工流产术终止妊娠随机分为两组,每组100例,分别于术前30—60分钟,阴道放置和口服米索前列醇200µg观查两组药物反映情况、宫颈扩张程度、子宫收缩情况、出血量、人工流产综合症等。 结果  两组宫颈扩张程度、人流综合症、术中出血量无显著性差异(P>0.05)。阴道用药组药物反应;恶心呕吐、腹痛腹泻、四肢痒麻感的发生率明显低于口服组,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。术前阴道出血两组发生率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。 结论  人工流产术前30—60分钟阴道、口服米索前列醇400µg 对于有效扩张宫颈疗效相似,但是口服药物对消化道副作用明显高于阴道用药。

关键词  人工流产  米索前列醇  宫颈扩张  人流综合症  给药途经  药物反应

Two Use Way's Clinical Effects of Misoprostol in Artificial Abortion  Liu xuan, QianYonghua, Lv Xiaoyin, The Births Contrl service station Of Chan Cheng District, Foshan

ABSTRACT Purpose To study two way's clinical effects of misoprostol in artificial abortion. Methods 200 women of early pregnancy were divided two groups randomly(100 women per group), 0.5-1 hours before abortion operation 200µg misoprostol per women was set in vagina or mouthed in the two groups respectively, the drug reaction, dilatation degree of uterus neck, uterus contraction, vagina bleeding quantity, abortion syndrome et al were observed. Results There was no distinct difference between two groups in the dilatation degree of uterus neck, abortion syndrome, bleeding quantity before or on operation(p>0.05); The rates of vomiting, diarrhoae, numb feeling of arms and legs were lower in the vagina group than the oral group(p<0.05). Conclusion In the dilatation degree of uterus neck there was no distinct difference between the vagina and oral groups when 400µg misoprostol were used in 0.5-1 hours before abortion operation, but the degree of side effects in the digestive tract from oral group was higher than the vigana group obviously.








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