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 摘要  目的:通过对金乡县199711200711间出生的377例病残儿资料进行统计分析,了解金乡县近10年来病残儿的疾病发生特点,并把10年来出生缺陷干预工作开展前后的病残儿出生情况进行对比分析,评价近五年来出生缺陷综合干预效果,掌握目前出生缺陷干预工作存在的弱点,明确今后工作重点,为进一步减少我县出生缺陷儿的发生提出对策。资料来源及方法:本文资料来源于金乡县199711200711的病残儿医学鉴定诊断记录及未参加病残儿医学鉴定(包括二胎患儿,农村户口的一胎女患儿及未到审批病残儿年龄的患儿),但经过正规医院诊治的病残儿诊治记录。按照《山东省病残儿医学鉴定诊断标准》对377例病残儿资料进行统计分析。结果:金乡县发生的结构性出生缺陷主要包括先天性心脏病,四肢畸形和先天性唇腭裂;功能性出生缺陷主要包括 :先天性智力低下,脑瘫和视力障碍,发生疾病种类82种,农村病残儿发生率87.3%明显高于城镇的12.7%,病残儿男女性别比304100。出生缺陷综合干预工作实施后一胎病残儿发生率显著降低,二胎病残儿发生率虽较干预前有所下降,但下降不明显。结论:金乡县出生缺陷干预工作已取得明显成效;今后应加大对二胎待孕育龄人群的优生宣传力度,促进出生缺陷干预措施的落实。

Objective:Get to know the characteristics of them within 10 years by analysing statistical data of 377 cases of disease or disabled children born from  January 1st  1997 to January  1st 2007.  Compare the cases of disease or disabled children , and  then evaluated the effect of the intervention policy in these five years. Search the weakness of the intervention policy.  Confirm the key emphasis in future work and  bring forward the policy of reducing disease or disabled children born. source of data and method : source of data is from the disease or disabled of born children’ hospital record, (including second babies who are disease or disabled born, rural girls who are first born and the disease or disabled babies who are under the age of approved checking )According to diagnose standard of Shandong province for disabled children, 377 cases of disease or disabled of born were statistically analysed. Conclusion: the structural disability including , abnormality of limbs , lips split of bornfunctional disabled of born mainly include : intelligence disabled, brain failure and vision disabled, all have 82 kinds disease, rural disease or disabled rate is 87.3%, more bigger than city’s 12.7%,male to female of disease or disabled is 304:100. after the implement of intervene policy of disease or disabled of born ,the disabled rate of first baby reduced a lot ,but not much in the second baby. result : the policy of intervene has achieved good effect; we should let the future second baby’s mothers know more about the policy, in order to reduce the rate of disease or disabled of born.








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