The Analysis of the Impulse Response about the Relationships between FTI; FDI and GDP
XIANG Yan-ping1, 2 JIANG Cai-fang1
(1.Jishou University Business School, Jishou, Hunan 416000, China;2.School of Economics Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China )
Abstract: The paper made the impulse response about the relationships between FTI, FDI and GDP based on the VAR. The results showed that the impulse response was negative about DLFDI to DLFTI and DLFDI to DLGDP; the impulse response was zero about DLFTI to DLFDI and DLFTI to DLGDP and the impulse response was positive about DLGDP to DLFDI and DLFTI to DLGDP. The result also showed that there was no influence between DLFTI and DLFDI or DLGDP and DLFTI; DLGDP did Granger Cause DLFT but DLFDI did not Granger Cause DLGDP based on the Granger Cause.
Keywords: FTI; FDI; GDP; impulse response