摘要:《水浒后传》版本较为明晰, 学术界一般把其版本分为两大系统:八卷四十回本、十卷四十回本。但通过对两大版本系统的对比,八卷四十回本是最早、最接近作者陈忱原著的版本,而十卷四十回本却是流传最广、影响最广的《水浒后传》版本。从刊刻实践来看八卷四十回本应早于十卷四十回本,但十卷四十回本的学术价值和文学价值却更高。
Textual Research of the two versions of the system of”Shui Hu Hou Zhuan”
Abstract: The versions of the system of”Shui Hu Hou Zhuan” is more explicit, academia general version is divided into two systems: the eight volumes of forty bout and the ten volumes of forty bout. However, by contrast to the two major versions of the system, the eight volumes of forty bout is the earliest and closest of Chen Chen and the original version, and the ten volumes of forty bout is the most widely circulated and most influential " Shui Hu Hou Zhuan " version. Kanke practice of the eight volumes of forty bout should earlier than the ten volumes of forty bout, but the ten volumes of forty bout academic value and literary value is higher.
Keywords: " Shui Hu Hou Zhuan "; The two versions of the system; The eight volumes of forty bout; The ten volumes of forty bout.
《水浒后传》成书之后,在流传过程中,版本有多种演变,尤其是经蔡元放评点之后将原来的序文、回目以及内容都作了改动。从现存资料看,对《水浒后传》版本有所著录的书籍有孙楷第的《中国通俗小说书目》、柳存仁的《伦敦所见中国小说书目提要》、江苏省社会科学院明清小说研究中心,江苏省社会科学院文学研究所编《中国通俗小说总目提要》、欧阳健、萧相恺等人编辑的《中国通俗小说总目提要》、周钧韬、欧阳健、萧相恺主编的《中国通俗小说鉴赏辞典》、朱一玄等人编辑的《中国古代小说总目提要》、张兵主编的《五百种明清小说博览》、刘世德主编的《中国古代小说百科全书》 等。一般所知《水浒后传》的版本只有两大系统,一种是陈忱原著的八卷本,每卷五回,共四十回;另一种是清乾隆三十五年(1770)蔡奡(蔡元放)批评的十卷本,每卷改为四回,共四十回。下面就两种版本的特点做一概述。