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摘要:目的 了解农村育龄妇女生殖道感染的现状及影响因素。方法 采用普查的方法,现场填写调查表,询问病史,妇科检查,病原体检查及B超检查。结果 农村育龄妇女生殖道感染患病率为38.17%,在各种生殖道感染疾病中,宫颈糜烂占第一位,患病率为20.23%,其次为滴虫性阴道炎(9.8%)、念珠菌性阴道炎(8..45%)、细菌性阴道炎(8.16%)、宫颈息肉(8.4%)、附件炎(7.63%)、盆腔炎(3.9%)等。文化程度低、对生殖道感染预防措施知识的掌握情况少、个人及丈夫的卫生习惯不好、就医态度不佳和生育次数较多的农村育龄妇女患生殖道感染疾病的危险性较高,为生殖道感染的重点防治对象。结论 农村育龄妇女生殖道感染状况比较严重,对生殖道感染的重点防治对象应进行定期随访,尽早干预,以减少各种生殖道感染及相关因素的发生率,提高农村妇女生殖健康水平。


关键词 农村育龄妇女   生殖道感染    患病率


Analysis of reproductive tract infection (RTI) of rural reproductive women 

[Abstract] Objective  To find out the status of reproductive tract infection(RTI) among rural reproductive women and its relevant influential factors.  Method Census was used, including questionnaire, medical record, gynecologic examination, pathogen test, B-ultrasound examination.  ResultsPrevalence of RTI among rural women in reproductive age was 38.17%. Of the total ,cervical erosion took the first place and its prevalence was 20.23% . other RPIs from high to low were trichomonal vaginosis(9.8) ,candida vaginosis(8.45) ,bacterial vaginosis(8.16),cervical polyp(8.4) , appendagitis (7.63). pelvic inflammatory disease(3.9%),etc.  Rural reproductive women have higher risk of RTI who were low level of education or illiterate, ignorant of the information about preventing RTI, having bad health habit, employing negative attitude for seeking treatment and more delivery times. They were the major target of prevention and cure for RTI .ConclusionThe present situation of RTI among rural women in child-bearing age was serious. Rural women with more influential factors for RTI should be followed up regularly and intervened early, which will decrease all kinds of RTI  and improve rural women reproductive health level.


[Key words] rural reproductive women , reproductive tract infection, prevalence


生殖道感染(Reproductive tract infection,  RTI)是指人类生殖道由细菌、病毒、原虫等微生物所导致的感染,主要发生于性活跃的生育期年龄妇女(15-49岁),常表现为白带异常、外阴瘙痒等症状。是严重危害育龄期妇女的一组感染性疾病,被列为生殖健康重点关注的领域之一[1]。在我国农村,由于经济条件、社会风俗习惯等因素的影响,RTI发病率更是处于较高水平。临武县地处湖南省最南部,北界桂阳,东连北湖、宜章,南邻广东省连州市,西靠蓝山,西北毗嘉禾,矿产资源丰富,是湘南置县历史最悠久县之一,也是湖南改革开放的南大门。为促进农村育龄妇女的保健工作,提高妇女的保健意识,降低RTI的发病率,于20069月—10月对临武县农村育龄妇女进行一次生殖道感染现况调查。









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